Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Metal Bitz!

Here's the latest... copper that I've hammered, heated, twisted, woven, beaded... accented with papers, beads, inks and nature's gifts. What do you think? Oh, and note, this one can hold your keys, too!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh, The Energy of Spring!

Wow, it's been far too long since I've been here! So much going on... I've just returned from an art retreat in Ohio (yes, Ohio), and am excited to try some of the ideas swimming in my head! Also on the horizon are the shows... it's that time again!!! Let's see if I can show you some of my latest work...

There it is... don't you just love the quote? The texture may give you the feeling of the moon's surface, while the mica flakes highlight the "silvery moon". Can you just feel the brisk spring evening, watching the night take it's walk, stars and moon in hand? Ahhh, so nice to be alive!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Birdsong II - the beginning!

Being a texture fanatic, playing with modeling paste is pure joy. Once the base is laid & dried, the color can seep and rest in the crevices.
Oh, and about "whirlwind" (below)... I've added a bit more of a color glaze, and I think it may be complete.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"whirlwind" complete?

Now it has a faux encaustic layer... although it looks very muted in the photo, I feel this is the element it needed to unify the piece. Now I'll have to decide if it's complete, or if it will get another layer of faux encaustic...

I have another piece started- usually have a few at a time due to the many layers and drying time between each. I'll post those pics soon!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Whirlwind" Progresses...

I've added the iron oxide, followed by some copper-enhanced gel. Can you see the difference? It's getting there, more depth, more color...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Oh, the glorious modern technology!

Greetings, and welcome to my ever-so-humble blogspot. I am hoping to be able to "talk" with those who are interested in my artwork, and ask for understanding in the simplicity of my communication venues! For if I were to learn all there is to know, and have a very entertaining blogspot and website, there would be no creations to talk about!

Here is the beginning of a piece entitled "whirlwind", as it reflects our perspective on time, that little four-letter word that can be so challenging for many of us. Often we can choose to enhance the optimistic side, rather than concentrate on how little of it we have! Next I'll be adding iron oxide and further accents, then we'll see what else may speak out! The quote is one from Henry Van Dyke- "time is too slow for those who wait, too shift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity." Layered deeply behind these words are more words reminding us of those traits to help us cope. We really do have so much more strength than we realize...